Monday, January 16, 2012

If your son enjoyed dress up games and playing with girly toys at what age would you think it should stop?

What age do you think it could no longer be thought of as a bit of fun but could become a worryIf your son enjoyed dress up games and playing with girly toys at what age would you think it should stop?
Even if you find out your son enjoys playing dress-up games %26amp; playing with girly toys, it doesn't matter at what age you stop him, if he liked it, he's going to keep on playing dress-up games %26amp; playing with girly toys as long as he enjoys it.

A worry?!

He's just a kid, and playing with 'girly' toys isn't going to harm him in any way (or make him gay). Would you stop your daughter from playing with Lego? Or tell her not to go to medical school because it's a traditional male career? I think not.

Seriously though, he'll grow out of it on his own, when he goes to school and wants to be like his friends, or just naturally as he grows up. Me and my younger brother used to play girly games together all the time when we were younger (he even asked for fairy wings for his 6th birthday!) and he is one of the straightest guys I know and not 'damaged' at all by playing with girls toys as a child.If your son enjoyed dress up games and playing with girly toys at what age would you think it should stop?
boys and girls are not gender specific until they are six. until then most girls and boys will think nothing is wrong with playing with toys of the opposite sex, it is only societies, (usually the parents, peers and teachers) perceptions and beliefs that change this behaviour and make 'boys' and 'girls' toys, I have a four and half year old and a two year old - bothboys and for christmas I brought them a kitchen, i would never consider what they played with as a worry, as long as they were happy.If your son enjoyed dress up games and playing with girly toys at what age would you think it should stop?
I couldnt really say an age as am no expert nor a mother but wanted to let you know that I played with action figures and adored Spiderman from when I was about 3 upwards (I am a girl) I used to wear the outfit and run around pretending to be him, I always had a mix of girls and boys toys growing up it didnt affect me at all in any negative way, I am a very girly girl now - if anything it helped me to interact better with boys as I got older as I had always been around both boys and girls as a kid.
that is somthing that should be cut off early. My eldest nephew was allowed to do that kind of stuff and even wanted a Barbie one Christmas and now he is as queer as a 3 dollar bill!
At 48,definitely!
In my opinion, you should let your son just be a kid, and don't try to shape him and mold him the way you want him to be... Let him figure out what's right for him, as long as he's not hurting himself or others. Dressing up is a harmless game, just let him have fun!
You shouldn't force your son to stop doing anything, unless it's a hazard to his health. (( If you think him not being - completely - straight, is a hazard, you're a horrible parent. ))
Homosexuality isn't a disease. Calm down. My 3 year old nephew likes to play "hair cutter" and brush my hair and put little clips and stuff in it because he sees his mother doing is sister's hair every morning. He's just a child, let him play =)
probably when he is 7 1/2 or 8

most likely 6 but if it is like action figures probably 10

but if like barbies 5-6

Hope I helped. It was the same with my son just not dress up.
some grown men still enjoy that....

some, not me you i am a mans man...grrr
Uh, becoming a preteen. My god brother is 18 months and we play dress up all the time on rainy days. He just sits there while I change his clothes...Its more fun for me than him.
about 3-5 range, or even earlier
My 3.5 year old boy plays with girly stuff all the time. It doesn't bother me, he plays with trucks and boy stuff, too. I think if he wants to continue to play with "girl" stuff, that's fine. No one looks down and says "Look at that butch, she's playing baseball/skateboarding/fixing a car" so why look at an older boy who's into cheerleading/enjoys doing make-up or hair and say "look at that fruit" or "he's not a real man."

IMO, unless my sons are wearing dresses and giving themselves girls names, I'm fine with them doing girl stuff...
Ask Rudy Giuliani.
Usually about 6/7- when peer pressure from school kicks in. Your child is what he is though. If he likes girly things, well, not much you can do about it. He'll either grow out of it, or he's more sensitive than other boys. Doesn't necessarily mean he's gay.
When he is ready or you will give him a complex.
My mom lets my brother play with baby dolls she claims if more men would let their children play with them then they'd be better fathers. (if she says so, a doll doesn't make you a better father) but probably two or three
There is no age. The boy should enjoy the things he enjoys. Forcing him to change against his wishes could screw him up for life. If you love your son, then you should accept him as he is instead of trying to chnage him into what you think is right.

Also, liking those things does not necessarily mean he is gay or has inclinations to be gay.
I never made a fuss when my son did this. He soon grew out of it when he started school. He played with girly toys at nursery as it was a novelty... no sisters at that time.
they grow out of it
I don't think it should be discouraged at all. When I was a kid and we went to McDonalds and when we ordered a Happy Meal the server would always ask if we wanted a girls toy or a boys toy. My mom would take great offense to that and would ask me which of the two toys we wanted, having nothing to do if they were typical male or typical female toys.

We are living in such a time that we shouldn't be concerned with what's "girly" and what's not. Whatever your child feels happy and comfortable playing with is what they should play with. Why take something away from them that makes them happy. It's not fair (in my opinion) to socially condition children in what they should like, but rather to let them decide by themselves what they like:)

Hope this helps!
made me laught this one,do you think they stop just because they grow up,some men still love dressing up and playing with girls toys ha ha
i think usually this would stop on its own by about 9 or 10 years at the most
it's ok for young boys to play with girly toys. Its a phase they will probably grow out of. If he is young don't pester him. If he is old give him a talk but don't make it seem like you think he is weird. A boy should stop playing with girl toys by the second grade. If he still has not stopped you may need some help.
I only have daughters but if i had a son I would try to make sure that he would play with boyish toys only.

I don't hate gay people but I'm a Christian and I will teach my kids in Christian way, so just as the boy shall use boy's clothes the boy has to play with boy's toys, that's what I think.
I dont think it matters..when I was 12 my brothers who were 11 and 7 still enjoyed playin dolls....especially if they only have sister they are gonna find something to do...
I would say definitely by the age of 18.
Well my 2 yo likes to play with his sister and her girly things, my husband does not like it at all, I would probably get worried if he continued to do this around 4 yo when he was in preschool..
I would say 2 years old no more then 3 because soon after they will be in pre school.

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